June 26 Newsletter

A Tale of Two Women, Celebrating Black Music Month, The Invisible Diamond and more… Read all about it here.

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June 12 Newsletter

This issue talks declares, “We Matter!” Also, tell your story about being Black in San Antonio and America. Learn about the history of African Americans in Law Enforcement in the San Antonio area and see our calendar updates. Read it here.  

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May 29 Newsletter

Explore our virtual exhibits, discover the history of Ellis Alley, our membership drive and what is on the horizon is all here.

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May 15 Newsletter

View our latest newsletter. Read about our efforts to save the Woolworth Building, read a Mother’s Day Her-story and more!!!

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SAAACAM News – July 2018

For SAAACAM’s first blog post, a summary of our activities during July 2018. To receive regular updates about SAAACAM activities and events, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. NAACCP ACT-SO Students Visit SAAACAM On Wednesday, July 11th, SAAACAM welcomed participants in the NAACP National Convention‘s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and…

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