Juneteenth History Harvest

Navajo Civic Center Comanche Park, 2600 Rigsby Avenue, San Antonio

HISTORY IS OUR COLLECTIVE NARRATIVE! Share your story with us.  Bring your documents, church programs, newspaper clippings yearbooks, report cards, and anything else you can think of to be included in our history.  Record your story in our video booth.  Your story will be a part of our archive and be memorialized at the Texas A & M San Antonio Digital Library. For more information, contact curator@saaacam.org or call, 210.724.3350.


Black History River Cruise

SAAACAM at La Villita 218 South Presa, San Antonio

Spend 100 minutes on the beautiful San Antonio River learning about the African American history that has shaped the center of the city. Together we explore: African Americans in local politics Education Churches Neighborhoods Businesses Culture